Hi, I'm Javier Enrique Sanchez- or just Jes. Art is rad and I've always liked doing it, whether it be playing my trumpet, making flipnotes on my DS, drawing on the margins of papers, or building something out of lego. Mostly, now, I draw stuff. The start of this love affair with drawing came from reading the book Wonderstruck, a book filled with the pencils of Brian Selznick[1]. I think it was the imperfect quality of the pencil lines that made me think "holy shit, someone made this." As I got older, a steady diet of comic books fostered this love of drawings, whether it be the moody coloring done by Richmond Lewis in Batman: Year One [2] or the surreal and hyper-stylized world of Hellboy made by Mike Mignola [3]. Desperate to imitate the stuff I loved I started doodling in the margins of my assignments in middle school. I was terrible, sure, but I kept at it, and now I'm significantly less terrible. In general, I like art that captures a person or a feeling, whether real or imagined. Most people can't say they've seen a hippo-man on his last leg, but now you have[5]. Coincidentally I made a zine[4] a few months back after my friend introduced me to them, a process I enjoyed immensely. Now I'm excited to expand my horizons, using what I've learned to create cooler, better stuff. Also I kinda have a drawing tablet lying around collecting dust, so ideally I''ll get some use out of that bad boy in the near future.