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CYOA Brainstorm Blog

Writer's picture: jasa1284jasa1284

To be frank I've been brainstorming ideas for this CYOA since I heard the project was happening- I've always liked the original choose your own adventure series as a kid, and I'm a big fan of dialogue driven video games. I think that the website is a fantastic medium for this kind of thing, too.

When I first started brainstorming this project I had just played Undertale, a really fantastic game that does a really great job of making you feel like the characters within the game are real by acknowledging that it is indeed a game. Undertale also does something I find admirable: you can reset and replay the game all you want, but if you go far enough in some of your choices, the game will always remind you of what you did. From a strict fun perspective this discourages the player, but from a messaging perspective it's what makes it's themes work so well, and furthers the illusion that you aren't playing a game, an affecting real characters.

I also love Portal, and I want to have a sardonic and cruel "voice" behind the game similar to the series' GladOS. I want to investigate "choice" this this project, which in a sort of "the medium is the message" way seems like the most fitting idea to explore. I also want to make fun of personality tests- they're something I used to take compulsively as a kid, just so I could find an easy to encapsulate identity to relate to. I never found a personality that fit me as a kid, which makes sense: humans are quite a bit more complicated than 16 personalities.



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