John Cage is, frankly a fantastic artist. 4:33 is groundbreaking, and something that will always be inextricably linked to Cage's work. The 20th century is defined by the breaking down of previous notions of art. I love deconstruction in all its forms, and Cage did an absolutely fantastic job of constantly challenging the status quo. I also find Cage's philosophy of listening that's needed much more in our society; sometimes, we need to shut the fuck up, just a little bit.
I think, however, the postmodernist philosophy of his work is far from unique, and see his ideas as less of an invention and more of a discovery- his innovations were bound to happen. This does not subtract from his genius- Einstein didn't invent special relativity, either.
I find the author's mentioning of the element of force one I hadn't considered, but now to me is a key aspect of what makes 4:33 worth listening to. It's a piece that truly shows how essential the medium in which media is consumed is so key. While anyone can listen to nothing for four minutes and 30 seconds. But at a charity benefit, when you expect music? That's where Cage demands your attention, that's where Cage has got you. Even better, a crowd is loud, if you listen enough.
Cage's decade spanning career is truly incredible, and it's my hope that people's appreciation for his work only grows.
